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Get involved


We welcome volunteers who can help for a few hours a month with:

  • Home Library Service – delivering books to those who can’t come to the library

  • Digital Helper Service – helping people with their computers and digital devices

  • Assisting in the library

  • Rhymetime and Storytime – reading to and interacting with children

  • Making cakes – for cake sales


Contact us if you can help.

Join us!

Friends of Sonning Common Library pay a £10 annual membership fee that supports the library through book purchases, allows subsidised children’s activities and generally supports the library. Friends receive regular newsletters that highlight library events and activities. Friends are invited to purchase tickets for events before they are on general sale. They are also entered in a monthly book draw.

If you would like to support the library then why don’t you join us as a Friend?

  • Either complete the form and pay by cheque or bank transfer using the details below 

  • Or make your application and pay online by following this link.

Tick this box only if you are a UK taxpayer. Note that if you pay less Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in the tax year, it is your responsibility to pay the difference to HMRC.

How to pay

Send a cheque payable to 'Friends of SoCo Library' to Sonning Common Library,
Grove Road, Sonning Common, Reading, RG4 9RH


Pay by bank transfer to
Bank: NatWest
Sort code: 60-10-35
Account name: Friends of SoCo Library
Account no: 65331559


Your membership will be confirmed when we receive payment.

Thanks for joining

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